Ancient (5e Race)

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The Ancients[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

The Ancients present a striking and enigmatic visage, characterized by their unique combination of features. Atop their elf-like torsos sit large, three-dimensional masks crafted from a tough, yellow metal, adorned with archaic designs reminiscent of ancient machinery and sacred symbols. These masks, serving as their heads, exude an aura of wisdom and authority, hinting at the wearer's profound connection to the ancient civilization.

Avian Influences: Beneath their torsos, the Ancients possess bird-like legs, featuring sinewy muscles and talon-like feet. This avian aspect of their physiology adds to their mystique, suggesting a deep affinity with the natural world and perhaps even a connection to avian symbolism present in ancient cultures. The combination of avian and humanoid features evokes a sense of otherworldly grace and elegance, as if the Ancients embody the harmonious union of earth and sky.

Symbol of Identity and Heritage: The masks worn by the Ancients not only serve as physical adornments but also as symbols of identity, heritage, and spiritual connection,as well as being their physical heads. Modeled after ancient machinery and crafted from a mysterious yellow metal, each mask tells a story of the wearer's lineage, achievements, and role within society. The juxtaposition of their avian legs with their humanoid torsos adds to the mystique, hinting at the Ancients' deep reverence for nature and the cosmos.

Sacred Significance: Within the Ancients society, the masks hold deep spiritual significance. Believed to possess mystical properties that transcend the physical realm, they serve as conduits for divine energy, channeling cosmic forces and unlocking the secrets of the universe. The combination of avian and humanoid features further enhances their spiritual symbolism, suggesting a connection to the celestial realms and the mysteries of existence.

Functional Adaptability: Despite their formidable appearance, the masks of the Ancients exhibit a remarkable level of functional adaptability. Modeled like pieces of machinery, they are equipped with intricate mechanisms and moving parts that enable wearers to express emotions, convey messages, and interact with the world around them. The bird-like legs provide agility and grace, allowing the Ancients to navigate their environment with ease and fluidity.

Symbols of Authority and Leadership: Adorned with elaborate designs and intricate embellishments, the masks worn by high-ranking Ancients serve as symbols of authority and leadership. As guardians of ancient knowledge and custodians of tradition, these masked figures command respect and admiration from their peers and descendants alike. The juxtaposition of their avian legs and humanoid torsos underscores their status as intermediaries between the earthly realm and the divine.

Mystery and Intrigue: The presence of the returning Ancients and their enigmatic visage sparks intrigue and fascination among the inhabitants of the world. Their appearance challenges conventional notions of identity and existence, prompting questions about their origins, purpose, and significance in the grand tapestry of the universe. Yet, amidst the mysteries that shroud them, one thing remains certain: the returning Ancients are heralds of change, symbols of hope, and guardians of ancient wisdom in an ever-evolving world.


The Rise of the Ancients:

Long ago, in the ancient history of the world, a highly advanced civilization known as the Ancients flourished. Gifted with remarkable technological prowess and a deep understanding of the world's natural forces, the Ancients built grand cities and harnessed the power of the elements to sustain their society. They lived in harmony with the environment, coexisting with the diverse flora and fauna that populated the world.

The Cataclysm:

However, prosperity was not eternal. A cataclysmic event, the nature of which remains shrouded in mystery, struck the world. Some speculate it was a devastating natural disaster, while others believe it was a result of their own hubris, a technological experiment gone awry. Whatever the cause, the cataclysm shattered the once-thriving civilization of the Ancients. Cities crumbled, technology faltered, and the once-great society fell into ruin. In the aftermath, the survivors scattered, their once-proud civilization reduced to mere remnants hidden among the overgrown ruins.

The Age of Obscurity:

For countless generations, the world fell into a state of obscurity. The remnants of the Ancients were forgotten by the world at large, their once-great achievements obscured by the passage of time. Legends and myths arose, telling tales of an ancient, technologically advanced civilization that had disappeared into the mists of history.

The Reappearance:

However, recent events have stirred the slumbering remnants of the Ancients. Perhaps it was the shifting tides of fate or the convergence of cosmic energies, but signs of the Ancients have begun to reappear in the world. Archaeologists and explorers stumble upon forgotten ruins, their discoveries hinting at a civilization long thought lost. Strange artifacts, once dormant, spring to life, their mechanisms whirring back to action after centuries of dormancy.

Rumors spread among the inhabitants of the world, whispers of ancient technology awakening from its slumber. Some fear the return of the Ancients, seeing it as a harbinger of another cataclysmic event. Others view it with hope, believing that the reappearance of the Ancients may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the world's past and perhaps even guiding it towards a brighter future.

The Unraveling Mystery:

As the Ancients begin to make their presence known once more, the inhabitants of the world find themselves drawn into a journey of discovery. They seek to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic civilization, to learn from their achievements and avoid the mistakes of the past. Yet, with each revelation, more questions arise, and the true fate of the Ancients remains tantalizingly out of reach.


Technology and Advancements: The returning Ancients society showcases unparalleled technological prowess and scientific achievements. Their advanced knowledge spans various fields, including engineering, biology, and energy manipulation. They possess highly sophisticated machinery, ranging from intricately designed automatons to awe-inspiring structures powered by unknown energy sources.

Cultural Legacy: Despite the passage of time, remnants of the Ancients' cultural legacy persist. Their society values wisdom, innovation, and reverence for the natural world. Symbolism and artistry permeate their architecture and artifacts, reflecting a deep spiritual connection to the cosmos and the mysteries of existence.

Social Organization: The structure of the returning Ancients society remains enigmatic, with hints of hierarchical systems and specialized roles within their civilization. Scholars, engineers, and spiritual leaders likely played crucial roles in shaping their society, each contributing to its advancement and stability.

Environmental Harmony: Echoing their past, the returning Ancients prioritize harmony with the environment. They strive to coexist with the world's ecosystems, utilizing sustainable practices and harnessing natural energies to power their technology. Their reverence for nature is evident in the integration of organic elements into their architecture and technology.

Quest for Knowledge: Central to the returning Ancients society is an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. They embark on expeditions to uncover the mysteries of their own history, seeking to learn from past mistakes and unravel the secrets of the universe. Their explorations extend beyond the physical realm, delving into metaphysical concepts and existential inquiries.

Integration and Collaboration: As the returning Ancients reestablish their presence in the world, they seek to forge alliances with the current inhabitants. They offer their expertise and technology as a means of mutual benefit, fostering collaboration and exchange of ideas. Despite the vast cultural gap, efforts are made to bridge the divide and build a future of shared prosperity.

Hope and Renewal: The resurgence of the Ancients brings a sense of hope and renewal to the world. Their return symbolizes the potential for redemption and enlightenment, inspiring awe and wonder among those who encounter their artifacts and witness their accomplishments. Yet, with their presence comes the looming question of their ultimate intentions and the impact they will have on the world's future.

Ancient Traits[edit]

Are race returning from almost nothing
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Intelligence each increase by 1.
Age. Seeing as The ancients have survived from when their time ended, they live a very long time. You live up to 700 years.
Alignment. Most ancients are lawful evil.
Size. The Ancients are looming figures, standing from 5 to 8 foot tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Ancient Wisdom. You have access to forgotten knowledge and ancient lore, granting you advantage on History and Arcana checks related to ancient civilizations, technology, and magical artifacts.
Avian Agility. Your bird-like legs grant you exceptional agility and grace. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill, and you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for jumping distances.
Masked Authority. Your imposing mask instills awe and respect in those around you. You have proficiency in Intimidation checks, and creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened by your presence.
Mystical Conduit. Your mask serves as a conduit for cosmic energies, granting you resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, once per long rest, you can cast the detect magic spell without expending a spell slot.
Technological Aptitude. You have an innate understanding of ancient technology and machinery. You have advantage on Intelligence checks related to operating or repairing mechanical devices, constructs, and artifacts.
Harmonic Resonance. Your connection to the natural world allows you to attune to the rhythms of life around you. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect hidden creatures or objects, as well as on saving throws against being charmed or frightened by fey creatures.
Temporal Insight. Your deep understanding of the flow of time grants you insight into future events. Once per long rest, you can cast the augury spell without expending a spell slot.
Inscrutable Presence. Your enigmatic appearance makes it difficult for others to discern your true intentions. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks, and creatures have disadvantage on Insight checks made to discern your motives.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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