Alchemist, Variant (5e Class)

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DM advice: You need to provide a table of ingredients (herbs or common items) and a table of essences as well as a table of potions. Also you should give the alchemist a table where he can mark in what he currently holds in his pouch, belt and possibly also his stash. Feel free to use my materials which are adapted to the Gothic game series. You can find the relevant tables at the end of this page.

A young man stands in an alley, fumbling with his glasses. As three shady man approach him, thinking him an easy target, he pulls back his coat. Numerous vials of different sizes dangle on a belt strapped on his chest. In quick motions he downs one potion, grabs another and tosses it toward the attackers. With a bang and a flash it splashes on the pavement. As the men come to the alchemist is gone.

A crackling sound emits from the mortar. With great care she fills its contents into a bigger jar making the gooey mass inside watery and opaque. The liquid moves. Different contents fight each other in a struggle to combine themselves. Hastily she puts a lid on the container, closing it shut with clamps and weighs on top. She takes a step back and waits. The jar jerks with a suffocated thump. She raises an eyebrow in confusion. Then the lid is blast off, the clamps flying in all directions, the weights hitting the ceiling. Most of the concoction is still in the jar. What has spilled out is burning deep holes in the wood of the alchemists table. A faint smile flashes over her face as she beholds her new discovery.

"This class was created using the Alchemist class from DnDwiki Homebrew content as a reference and adapted to the Gothic theme." [1]

Creating an Alchemist[edit]

Quick Build

You can make an Alchemist by quickly following these suggestions. First put your highest ability score into Intelligence followed by Dexterity. Secondly, choose the Guild Artisan or Sage background. Other potentially good backgrounds would be Criminal (particularly if you plan of following the School of the Venomist), or Hermit. Choose the Sickle and the Blowgun and pick Nature, Perception and Sleight of Hand.

Class Features

As a Alchemist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Alchemist level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Blowgun
Tools: Alchemy Supplies, Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion and Sleight of Hand


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) an Alchemist's Sickle (A Sickle that has the versatile property)
  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) a blowgun and 20 blowdart needles
  • (a) a Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack
  • Alchemy supplies, Herbalists kit, Leather Armor, Herbalist's Pouch, Alchemist's Belt and a dagger
  • (a) 2x Bomb I, 2x Healing I in your Alchemist's Belt or (b) 1x Djeffa's Vapor, 1x Bomb I, 1x Healing I in your Alchemist's Belt
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10gp in funds.

Table: The Alchemist

Level Proficiency
Features Discoveries Known
1st +2 The Alchemist's Practices -
2nd +2 Discovery 2
3rd +2 Alchemical School, Discovery 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Discovery 4
5th +3 Quick Mix, Poison Needles 4
6th +3 Discovery 5
7th +3 Evasion 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5
9th +4 Alchemical School Feature, Discovery 6
10th +4 Discovery 7
11th +4 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7
13th +5 Alchemical School Feature 7
14th +5 Discovery 8
15th +5 Product Testing 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Discovery 9
17th +6 Alchemical School Feature 9
18th +6 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase 9
20th +6 Eclectic Alchemist, Discovery 10

The Alchemist's Practices[edit]

Alchemists gather ingredients, process them into essences and combine these to produce potions, elixirs and bombs. You gain proficiency with the Herbalism Kit and the Alchemist's Supplies. Alchemist's can produce the recipes available to them provided they have the tools and ingredients. Producing Potions or Bombs from essences requires merely a Standard Action. Producing essences however takes time and effort.

Producing essences requires an ability check in Alchemy, which is Sleight of Hand and Nature combined: DEX + INT + Proficiency Bonus if either one or both are proficient. Roll a d20 to perform Alchemy. Check the bottom of the page for a table with all the DCs

Consult the table The Essence of Alchemy for the recipes for essences. On a failed Alchemy check some ingredients may be lost and no essences are produced. You choose the ingredients which are lost. Consult this table when determining the outcome of your Alchemy roll.

Degree of Fail Ingredients Lost
-1 to -2 under DC no ingredients lost, try again!
-3 to -5 under DC 1 ingredient lost
-6 to -10 under DC 50% of ingredients lost (round up)
-11 and lower under DC all ingredients lost

In a short rest an Alchemist may produce two essences using his Alchemist's Kit. When using an Alchemy table you may produce any number of essences in a short rest. Performing Alchemy over the course of a short or long rest is not considered strenuous activity and you still gain the advantages from taking a rest. An Alchemy table may be found in alchemist's workshops or healer houses. Performing Alchemy and preparing potions may be done in between adventures.

Alchemist's Pouch and Belt

An Alchemist always carries his pouch and belt on his person. He may carry 6 potions, elixirs or bombs in his belt. In his pouch hey may store 10 herbs and 8 essences. Any items carried in the pouch or belt do not weigh down the alchemist. An Alchemist may store any essences or ingredients in a stash, for example in the drawers of an alchemy table or a chest at a secret location.

The pouch can be upgraded by leatherworkers in steps of 5 slots for herbs and 2 slots for essences at the 3rd, 5th and 11th level. The alchemist must spend a short rest alongside a leatherworker PC or NPC and provide materials worth 30gp.

When going into battle an alchemist is always equipped with his special belt. Due to the frail makeup of the mixtures he cannot carry filled vials in his backpack, for they might crack. The Alchemist's belt can be upgraded by leatherworkers in steps of 2 slots at the 2nd, 6th and 10th level. The alchemist must spend a short rest alongside a leatherworker PC or NPC and provide materials worth 50gp.

Searching for Herbs

Alchemists may search for herbs in any given area. They may invest 1, 10 or 60 minutes to search for specific herbs (max 3) which need to be named by the player, for example: "I want to go upstream and into the hills and search for Silverleaf and Ironstalk for 10 minutes."

Searching for Herbs is Nature + Perception combined: INT + WIS + Proficiency Bonus if either one or both are proficient. Roll a d20 to search.

Depending on the score you will make a number of finds. Consult the this table to determine the outcome of your roll.

Difficulty Class: 5 10 15 20 25 30
# of finds for 1 min 0 0 0 0 1 1
# of finds for 3 min 0 0 0 1 1 1
# of finds for 5 min 0 1 1 1 2 2
# of finds for 10 min 1 2 3 3 4 5
# of finds for 30 min 3 7 10 12 15 18
# of finds for 60 min 7 16 22 26 32 40

The Alchemist chooses which of the declared herbs are found. Choosing a rare herb counts as 2 finds. Finding one herb multiple times is allowed. Be aware that for example one find of Toadroot means receiving 3 units of this herb, as detailed in the Herbs of the Gothic world table at the bottom of this page. The DM may also place a herb in your path that you may find without the need to search for it. You may only carry as much ingredients with you as the size of your pouch allows. However, items that are ingredients but are not herbs, such as alcohol, salt or vinegar do not need to be carried in your pouch.

The Alchemist's Compendium

Every decent alchemist knows the common recipes. They are taught at school and you can find them in the basic books of your profession. Access to Potions is thereby restricted by the DC of the essence production and the rarity of the ingredients. It is possible for a level 1 Alchemist to throw powerful bombs or administer extraordinary elixirs. Consult the table The Alchemist's Compendium at the bottom of the page for detailed information. Other recipes might be learned through the teachings of certain schools (available at 3rd level) or discoveries (Discovery). In rare cases an alchemist might even invent recipes never seen before. Consult your DM with your ideas! (Only do this at higher levels)

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Alchemist elixirs. You use your Intelligence whenever a potion or feature refers to your spellcasting modifier.

In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier and proficiency bonus for the spell save DC of an Alchemist elixir, potion or bomb or Alchemist's feature you use unless explicitly stated.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Spellcasting modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.


Your research into the alchemistic arts has led you to some very interesting information. At 2nd level you learn your first discovery (possibilities listed at the end of the class description). You learn additional discoveries at 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 16th and 20th levels.

Alchemical School Feature[edit]

Once you become a 3rd-level Alchemist, you decide to devote yourself to a singular school of study from the following available schools: School of the Brewer, School of the Grenadier, School of the Mutator, or School of the Venomist. These are detailed later in the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, but don't get too attached to one school, as you will eventually branch out and broaden your horizons to gain 3rd- and 9th-level features from a second school of choice upon reaching level 20 through the use of the Eclectic Alchemist skill. This allows for more creative gameplay and opens positively explosive possibilities for poisonously hazardous opportunities.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Quick Mix[edit]

From 5th level onward, whenever you mix a new potion, elixir or bomb from your essences you may use what you have produced as a bonus action.

Poison Needles[edit]

Once you reach Level 5. When taking a long rest you may produce 20 poisoned needles out of 20 blowgun needles using leftover materials, residue of your mixtures or whatever you can find in your environment (a fungus growing in cracks, moss on the ground, etc.). The poison needles have the following effect:

Needle Poison

On hit the target becomes poisoned for one minute. (Not the 'Poisoned Condition')

(1) At the start of it's next turn it must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or take poison damage equal to your INT modifier. On success the effect ends early.

(2) If the target is hit again while under the effect of (1) it must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of it's next turn against your Spell Save DC or take poison damage equal to 1d4+INT modifier. On success the effect ends early.

(3) If the target is hit again while under the effect of (2) it must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of it's next turn against your Spell Save DC or take poison damage equal to 1d4+INT modifier and it has disadvantage Constitution Saving Throws. On success the effect ends early.

When reaching level 7 the effect of (3) also lowers the targets AC by 1.


Beginning at 7th level, whenever you throw, ingest or administer an Elixir you may move a number of squares equal to half of your Dexterity modifier. Moving with Evasion in this manner does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Product Testing[edit]

After ingesting various reagents and breathing less-than-savory fumes, you have some measure of protection from toxins. At 15th level you gain resistance to acid and poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against poisons. Upon reaching 18th level you gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Eclectic Alchemist[edit]

At level 20 you've completed most of your schooling, so you branch into the knowledge of another school. Choose another Alchemist's School. You gain the benefits of that school's 3rd and 9th level features. (You are considered to be a 9th level Alchemist of that school for the purposes of discovery prerequisites and class features.)

Alchemical Study[edit]

A third-level Alchemist can take on a study of Alchemy, deepening their understanding of their craft and themself. Below is a list of four schools of study, each drawing out the differences in the chemical makeup of the ingredients gathered by the budding alchemist.

In the case of the Brewer, the difference drawn is created within the creator of the potion, and in those who enlist to drink from the expanding pile of healing potions, as well as the effects concocted in the original potion. The Brewer also comes with a moderate list of once-a-day abilities that, when used correctly, can alter the course of the game.

The Grenadier, while pursuant of the more dramatic and violent chemical reactions, is capable of longer throws than the other schools. This subclass would be a good idea for more strategic gameplay. Students of this Alchemic school also gain the ability at higher levels to graft on elemental damage to their grenades, with more effective AoE damage at level 17 or higher.

The Mutator is an Alchemist that, not unlike a strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, focuses on changing their physiological makeup. Instead of healing, exploding, or poisoning, this school focuses on changing the imbiber of Mutagen potions, bolstering their ability scores and granting them advantage on certain rolls. Some high-level Mutators may decide to nope out of aging altogether, and drink a potion that lets them forget their age. Lucky.

Those who study in the school of the Venomist find themselves becoming proficient in the use of a blowgun, making it more useful than most firearms. Besides being able to poison enemies from far away, these Alchemists are also capable of loading on neurological agents that last as long as the poison in the darts. Those on the other end of the blowgun will find it hard to do the simplest tasks in battle, as if they're fighting a fever.

School of the Brewer[edit]

Although the most common school of alchemy, Alchemist's enrolled in the School of the Brewer are experts at both making and drinking potions with a plethora of effects and potencies.


Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Brewing Kit and you may produce food more efficiently. Also, when creating Elixirs, by adding 1x alcohol to your potions with healing properties you may increase their effect by adding your Intelligence modifier. You may also do this with all other ingestible potions granting them a healing effect equal to your Intelligence modifier. If a creature is healed to full HP by any of your potions, they gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier that last for one hour.

Stable Concoction

By tweaking your technique and taking a few extra steps you have managed to create more stable concoctions. Starting at 9th level, 2 elixirs you prepare during a long rest can leave your possession while retaining their alchemistic benefits, allowing a creature you designate to use the elixir's effects. The effects of the elixir still use your spellcasting modifier and spell save DC. The number of elixirs increase to 4 at level 13.

Swift Quaff

After drinking many concoctions, you find they go down easier most of the time. Beginning at 13th level, once per round you may drink or administer your elixirs as a bonus action. You may use Swift Quaff a number of times equal to your constitution modifier.

Brewing Virtuoso

The amassed knowledge of years of training and practice finally pays off. You discover a whole number of different applications by combining the wildest ingredients. Starting at the 17th level, once per day, whenever you prepare your elixirs in a short rest, you can perform one of the following effects.


Apply this property to one ingestible potion or elixir. You can end all diseases, and poisons affecting a creature. Additionally, the creature loses all levels of exhaustion if they have any and regains all hit points.


You increase the damage of one of your explosives to 4d10.


You can transmute any amount of base metals (iron, lead, tin, or zinc for example) with a maximum value of 500cp into an equal number of copper pieces or bars of the same value. Additionally, you may transmute a number of copper bars or pieces with a maximum value of 500cp into an equal number of silver pieces or silver bars. You may transmute a number of silver bars or pieces with a value of up to 500sp into an equal number of gold pieces or gold bars. (Once you use this feature to transmute any metals in this way, you must wait 7 days before you can use Chrysopoeia again.)

Elixir of Life

Instead of creating an ordinary healing potion you may create the Elixir of Life which restores all HP up to maximum health of the consumer and grants one third of the restored HP as temporary hitpoints. This Elixir can be used twice.


You only need to provide half the material components when preparing your elixirs. Whenever half results in an uneven number, round up.

School of the Grenadier[edit]

Being fanatic demolition experts, those who follow the School of the Grenadier excel at making bombs and grenades. Those who follow this school look to make more powerful explosives and even apply elemental effects to them.

Hurl Anything

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you add +1 to your Spell Attack Bonus.

Good Arm

You've become adept at throwing your explosives at distant enemies. At 3rd level the distance you can throw any of your potions is doubled. Additionally, you can throw one of your potions as a bonus action.


Starting at 9th level, the damage of all your explosives increases by 1d8. This damage increases to 2d8 at 17th level. Additionally, when preparing elixirs, you may choose to prepare Bomb I in this manner:

1x essence of any kind + 1x sulfur +1x charcoal = 1x Bomb I

The number of explosives you can create in this manner equals half your Alchemist's level.

Elemental Bomb

When preparing Elixirs you may choose to prepare bombs that deal acid, cold, fire or lightning damage. Beginning at 13th level you gain access to these modifications:

1x Bomb + 1x Sulfur = Bomb(fire)

1x Bomb + 1x Rocksalt = Bomb(cold)

1x Bomb + 1x Vinegar = Bomb(acid)

1x Bomb + 1x Irondust = Bomb(lightning)

Elemental Shrapnel

Your Elemental Bombs become more potent. Beginning at 17th level all creatures within the bombs AoE must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or they will be affected by a condition if it can apply to the target.


The target takes additional acid damage at the start of its next turn equal to your Alchemist level. To end this effect they must succeed a constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC.


The target's movement speed is reduced by half. To end this effect they must succeed a constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC.


The target takes fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier for one minute or until they succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC to put out the flames.


The target is incapacitated for two turns.

School of the Mutator[edit]

The reclusive School of the Mutator holds an old form of alchemy thought to be more pure than the other forms. This school focuses on creating special elixirs that change the very nature of one's body.


Your alchemical study involves change, but there must always be a trade off. Beginning at 3rd level, when creating Elixirs, you may add the mutagen effect to one ingestible Elixir of your choice. The mutagen effect on the Elixir dissipates after a long rest and it may only be active on one Elixir at a time. When you drink or administer this mutagen the character gains a +1 bonus to their AC and gains advantage on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability checks for 1 hour. You also gain disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks for the duration as well. You can create two mutagens upon reaching 9th level and three upon reaching 13th level. You can only be under the effects of one mutagen at a time. Attempting to drink a second mutagen cancels out both mutagens and gives you two levels of exhaustion.

Flush Mutagen

Having developed a counteracting agent, beginning at 9th level you can choose to end any mutagen affecting you or any ally within 5 ft. as a bonus action.

Unflinching Mutagen

At 13th level, while under the effects of a mutagen you cannot be shoved, grappled or knocked prone.

Master Mutagen

You've learned the secret to a perfect mutation. Starting at 17th level you can create one special mutagen in addition to the other mutagens you can create. When you drink this mutagen, its benefits last for eight hours. Additionally, its benefits apply to the relevant saving throws as well. You do not receive the detriments of a normal mutagen when you use a master mutagen. You must complete a long rest before you can make any more master mutagens. (If you have the Cognatogen Discovery, this feature applies to those mutagens as well.)

Convertum Chronum

You have found a mutagen that tricks your body clock. When reaching the 20th level you age incredibly slowly and no longer feel the frailty of old age.

Additionally, you have found a recipe for a potion that changes the perception of time for the one who drinks it. The person drinking the Convertum Chronum gains one extra Standard Action each turn for one minute and experiences one level of exhaustion when the duration ends. You may produce this potion only once a day. The recipe goes as follows:

1x Crownstalk + 7x Everlime Sap + 2x Alcohol = Convertum Chronum

School of the Venomist[edit]

Perhaps the most obscure school of alchemy, the School of the Venomist focuses on creating deadly poisons with a variety of debilitating effects.

Blowgun Master

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you become a master with the blowgun. Your range increases to 40/120. Your blowgun no longer has the loading property. Also, if the target has light or no armor (for creatures: if they do not have hard scales, thick fur or something comparable) you gain advantage on Attack Throws within short range, as you aim for their soft spots.

Toxin Maker

Having researched the art of refining deadly toxins you have learned to produce toxins of higher concentration. Beginning at 3rd level you may increase a Toxic Concoction's concentration by adding another essence of =POISON=. 5 levels of concentration is the maximum. These concoctions must be stored in your Alchemist's belt. The concoction may be applied to two pieces of ammunition or to a weapon. On a hit with the ammunition or weapon the Toxic Concoction is applied and the ammunition or weapon loses it's ability to poison. A Toxic Concoction of a higher concentration deals 1d4 additional poison damage x level of concentration. The target can make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC at the beginning of its turn to reduce the effect by one level of concentration on a success. When the last level is cleared the target loses the poisoned condition.

Secondary Effects

Beginning at level 9, you know two of these effects and gain additional effects at 13th and 17th levels. While poisoning your opponent, your toxins can take on a variety of other effects. When creating poisons in a long or short rest, you may infuse two potions (no essence!) with one additional effect while pertaining their poison damage effect. At the start of each turn the target can make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The additional effect only dissipates if the poisoned condition is removed.

Clouded Mind

After rolling against the poisoned condition the target rolls a d6 at the start of each turn. On a roll of 1-4 the target takes its turn as normal. On a roll of 5-6, the target wastes it's turn doing nothing. The target can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns, ending this condition early on a success.


After rolling against the poisoned condition the target rolls a d6 at the start of each turn. On a roll of 1-3 the target takes its turn as normal. On a roll of 4-6, the target is blinded for one turn.


This poison deals no damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or falls asleep, until the sleeper takes damage, or until someone uses their action to jostle the target awake. The target can also wake up by shaking off the poisoned condition by making Constitution Saving Throws against your Spell Save DC.


The target deals only half damage from weapon attacks that use Strength for the duration of the poisoned condition.


You can prepare your poisons in such a way so as to debilitate rather than kill. At 13th level, when you prepare a concoction in this way, it does no damage, retains the secondary effects and the target has disadvantage for their saving throw against the poisoned condition of your toxins. To lose the debilitated condition the target needs to shake off each of the levels of the concentration of the poison as if they would deal their 1d4 damage by making Constitution saving throws against your Spell Save DC.

Potent Toxins

Starting at 17th level when creating Elixirs in a long rest you can apply two effects granted by your Secondary Effects feature to one concoction.


As an alchemist, you gain bouts of inspiration and focus. These pursuits often lead to discoveries that you might work towards or abandon halfway through. You can learn a discovery at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class. (Upon obtaining the Eclectic Alchemist feature, you are considered to be a 9th level character in whatever school you chose.)

Additional Master Mutagen
Prerequisite- 20th Level, School of the Mutator

You can prepare an additional Master Mutagen for the cost of two normal mutagens.

Alchemical Makeup

You gain proficiency in either Deception or Persuasion.

Alchemistic Mine
Prerequisite- 6th Level, School of the Grenadier

You can prepare one special explosive in place of an explosive you could normally prepare to explode when a creature approaches. You can set this explosive against a flat surface as an action. A creature can make a Wisdom(Perception) check against your spell save DC to notice the mine. If you spend one round burying the mine under a small layer of dirt or similarly light cover, the creature has disadvantage on the check. When a small or larger creature unaware of the mine's presence enters the mine's space, they set it off unless they are flying or otherwise aloft. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take damage equal to one of your explosives or half as much on a successful save. (This particular kind of explosive does not have splash damage) A creature aware of the mine can choose to move half its speed on its turn to move through the mine's space without setting it off.

Prerequisite- 6th Level, School of the Brewer

When using an alchemists table you can prepare the Alkahest concoction when you prepare your elixirs in addition to any other elixirs you can prepare. As an action, you can choose to throw this item as if it were an explosive. Choose a target at the center of a 10-ft. Splash AoE. This particular explosive deals 2d10+INT acid damage on a hit and deals half your Alchemist level with it's splash damage. Any creatures must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC to avoid the splash damage. Alternatively, you can pour this concoction onto a substance covering no more than 1 square foot. This concoction dissolves any material it comes into contact with.

Assassin's Mix
Prerequisite- 6th Level

Exchange any d4 poison damage with a d6 poison damage. All poison damage can now reduce a creature's Hit Points to 0.

Augmented Anatomy
Prerequisite- 20th Level, Enhanced Anatomy

One ability score of your choice increases by 4 and the maximum of that score increases to 24. (This discovery is permanent. This ability score increase need not be the one you chose for your Enhanced Anatomy discovery.)

Axiomatic Bomb
Prerequisite- 15th Level, School of the Grenadier

You are now capable of creating the Axiomatic Bomb when creating Elixirs. This bomb deals radiant damage.

1x bomb + 1x Nitre = Bomb(axiomatic)

All creatures affected by this explosive must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or become blinded for one minute and deafened until the start of your next turn. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of subsequent turns, ending these effects early on a success.

Breaching Charge
Prerequisite- 6th Level

You can prepare up to two special explosive in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to blow through solid objects. The damage type of these bombs changes to thunder, and they deal triple damage to solid objects and siege engines. (If you have the Delayed Bomb discovery, you can stick these explosives to solid objects before using your action (or possible bonus action) to detonate them.)


You gain proficiency with Brewing Supplies. Alchemists of the School of the Brewer receive expertise in Brewing Supplies. Also, when producing alcoholic mixtures the fermenting time is halved.

Prerequisite- School of the Mutator

You gain proficiency in stealth. If already proficient, you gain expertise.

Choking Gas
Prerequisite- School of the Venomist

You can prepare up to two special explosive in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to produce a thick plume of greenish, toxic smoke. Instead of dealing instant damage, the explosive fills a 15ft. sphere with smoke, heavily obscuring the area for one minute. A creature that enters the smoke or starts its turn in the smoke takes poison damage equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your Alchemist's level. A creature that doesn't need to breathe is unaffected. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the smoke in one round.

Prerequisite- School of the Mutator

You've learned how to flip the basic mutagen benefits to allow for more versatility. You can prepare a special mutagen in place of a normal one. Upon drinking this mutagen, you gain a +1 bonus to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws and gain advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks for 10 minutes. You also gain disadvantage on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability checks for the duration as well.

Combat Prowess
Prerequisite- 10th Level, School of the Mutator

You've learned how to bolster your combat effectiveness with mutagens. You can prepare a special mutagen in place of a normal one, and for a number of minutes equal to your Intelligence modifier you can attack a second time as a bonus action when attacking on your turn.

Coagulation Inspiration
Prerequisite- 6th Level

If you are wearing light or no armor, your Armor Class becomes your base Armor (depending on the armor you wear) + your Intelligence Modifier.

Concussion Grenade
Prerequisite- School of the Grenadier

You can prepare up to two special explosive in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to deliver a disorienting assault. Instead of dealing damage, any creature within the explosion's splash damage radius must make a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier and be blinded until the start of your next turn. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of subsequent turns, ending these effects early on a success.

Delayed Bomb

You can delay the detonation of an explosive you've thrown within 30 ft. of you for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. As an action, you can detonate this explosive, otherwise it explodes after all rounds are expended. (Alchemists of the School of the Grenadier can detonate their explosive as a bonus action.)

Directed Bomb
Prerequisite- School of the Grenadier

You can prepare any number of special explosive in place of any explosives you could normally prepare to explode in a 15ft. cone rather than a sphere. When you throw the explosive, you choose the direction of the cone.

Drought of Mutation
Prerequisite- 15th Level, , School of the Mutator

You can prepare one mutagen upon completing a long rest. (Alchemists of the School of the Mutator can prepare an additional mutagen whenever they prepare mutagens during a long rest.)

Drunken Brewer
Prerequisite- 4th Level, School of the Brewer

While drunk you gain + 5 to all Charisma Checks against Creatures who are drunk themselves.

Enhanced Anatomy

One ability score of your choice increases by 2 to a maximum of 20. (You may not select this discovery multiple times)

Explosive Ammunition
Prerequisite- 6th Level, School of the Grenadier

You can prepare up to two special explosives in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare and attach them to a form of ammunition. If the ammunition hits when fired, the bomb explodes as if you threw it. If the attack misses, the explosive does not go off. (If the ammunition is destroyed upon impact, the explosive still triggers.)


You can prepare up to two special explosives in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to deliver a burst of light. Instead of dealing damage, any creature within the explosion's splash damage radius must make a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier and deafened until the start of your next turn. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of subsequent turns, ending these effects early on a success.

Forceful Bomb

You can prepare any number of special explosive in place of any explosives you could normally prepare to deliver a burst of force. Instead of dealing damage, any creature within the explosive's splash damage radius must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20ft. away from the center of the explosion and be knocked prone, or be pushed half as much and stay standing on a successful save.


You can create two small, clear flasks of glowing liquid over the course of a short rest using one INCINDIARY essence. This liquid sheds bright light out to a range of 15ft. and dim light 15ft. beyond that for 8 hours. A creature can also choose to fill a lamp or lantern with Luminescence, doubling the range of the bright and dim light produced by the lamp or lantern, but the Luminescence can only burn for 1 hour. You must complete a short or long rest before you can create any more Luminescence.

Ordinary Bomb
Prerequisite- 3rd Level

You have achieved the skill to extract explosive material from even the most ordinary items. You can use any 8 common herbs and produce the INCINDIARY essence, as long as one ingredient of the original recipe is included.

Packed Explosives
Prerequisite- 6th Level

Your explosive deal additional damage to its struck target equal to your Intelligence modifier. Additionally, the explosive's splash damage increases to 10ft. (This discovery does not apply to other discoveries that have an explicit explosive splash damage radius)

Philosopher's Stone
Prerequisite- 20th Level, School of the Brewer

You can use your Brewing Virtuoso feature twice when you prepare your elixirs.

Potent Mixtures
Prerequisite- 6th Level

Your Spell Save DC and your spell attack modifier increases by +1.

Powder Bomb

You can prepare up to two special explosive in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to explode with a white dust. The explosive deals no damage, but dust fills a 30ft. sphere and reveals the location of any tangible invisible creatures in its area. (Upon reaching 5th level, this discovery applies to invisible incorporeal creatures as well.)

Rare Reaction

When producing Essences and you roll a 20 on your Alchemy check the produced Essences have extraordinary potency. The rolls of potions produced with these essences have their damage and healing rolls always with their maximum results. If the produced potion has no damage or healing roll you produce double the amount of that potion.

Reagent Research

You gain expertise with the Alchemist's Supplies. Now your Alchemy Check is DEX + INT + your proficiency modifier x 2.

Shadowwalkers Mist
Prerequisite- 10th Level

You can prepare up to two special explosive in place of up to two explosives you could normally prepare to remove all light from an area. After you throw this bomb a 15ft. sphere of a dense and odorless shadow springs forth for one minute. The darkness spreads around corners, and a creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. If any of this explosive's area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

Sluggish Toxin
Prerequisite- 10th Level, School of the Venomist

When a creature is affected by the poisoned condition from one of your toxins, they only add half their Dexterity modifier to their armor class (if applicable) and can only take one action or bonus action on their turn.

Speedy Metabolism
Prerequisite- 6th Level, School of the Brewer

Whenever you would roll dice to heal yourself from a potion or elixir, you instead heal for the maximum amount.

Smoke Bomb

You can prepare two special explosives in place of any explosives you could normally prepare to produce a thick plume of smoke. Instead of dealing damage, the explosive fills a 15ft. sphere with smoke, heavily obscuring the area for one minute. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the smoke in one round. You may exchange this discovery with the Shadowwalkers Mist discovery when reaching the 10th level.

Touch of Death
Prerequisite- 6th Level, School of the Venomist

You can apply poisons and toxins you create to your hand without poisoning yourself. You can then make a melee spell attack or unarmed strike against a target. On a hit, the poison is applied to the target.

Virulent Gas
Prerequisite- 15th Level, Choking Gas, School of the Venomist

Your choking gas now affects creatures whether they need to breathe or not. The gas deals an additional 3d8 acid damage as well.

Watchful Wanderer

You gain expertise with the Herbalist's Kit. Searching for herbs is now WIS + INT + 2x your Proficiency Modifier. Also, when travelling for an hour, you make 1x find of herbs on the roadside of your choice in the respective area.

Herbs & Collectables[edit]

Below is a small conglomerate of commonly used traditions and conventions for gathering herbs and other items of importance to an Alchemist, as well as the effects that from certain combinations might helpfully be ascertained.

The Alchemist's Compendium[edit]

For the purpose of clarity, think of the potions listed here to represent the Alchemist's very own specific spells. The following recipes are know to every Alchemist. Their makeup, ingredients and production is copied to paper and learned by heart by every Alchemist as part of their basic education. An Alchemist might carry a book with them where he can revisit his knowledge. All of the listed potions, elixirs, bombs or concoction must be carried in the Alchemist's belt and cannot be put into his backpack for they might crack. Also, these products do not sustain their potency when stashed away or when they are not under the supervision of the Alchemist (e. g. given to another player). They may not be traded or handed to another person unless explicitly stated so. Administering a potion however is allowed. Given the Alchemist possesses the ingredients he may produce any of the following recipes:

Name Ingredients Properties Description
Djeffa's Vapor I/II/III =CALM= + =HEALING I/II/III= Throwable Djeffa's Vapor can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact all creatures in a 10-ft. radius gain an amount of temp HP equal to 1d4+INT temporary hp. Increase this amount by 1d4 when using =HEALING II= and 2d4 when using =HEALING III=.
Health I =HEALING I= Ingestible Health I may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 1d4+INT.
Health II 3x =HEALING I= / =HEALING II= Ingestible Health II may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 2d4+1+INT.
Health III 3x =HEALING II= / =HEALING III= Ingestible Health III may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 4d4+2+INT.
Bomb I =INCINDIARY= Throwable Bomb I can be thrown at a target using your spell attack bonus. It deals 3d4+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or take 1d4+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.
Bomb II 2x =INCINDIARY= + =ACID I= Throwable Bomb II can be thrown at a target using your Spell Attack Bonus. It deals 3d6+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or take 1d8+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.
Bomb III 2x =INCINDIARY= + =ACID II= Throwable Bomb III can be thrown at a target using your Spell Attack Bonus. It deals 3d8+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or take 1d12+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.
Toxic Concoction 2x =POISON= Applicable to Weapon, Ingestible Toxic Concoction may be drunk, administered or applied to a weapon or a single piece of ammunition. If a weapon is treated with the poison and hits a creature that creature gains the poisoned condition for one minute and the weapon loses it's potential to poison. While under the poisoned condition the creature can make a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of it's turn against your Spell Save DC to end this condition on success. If the creature fails, it takes 1d4+INT poison damage. The Toxic Concoction may be improved when choosing the School of the Venomist.
Hunter's Rest =QUICKEN= + 1x Alcohol Ingestible Hunter's Rest removes one level of exhaustion and grants a speed bonus of 5 ft. for 10 minutes.
Alchemical Bliss =CALM= Ingestible Alchemical Bliss removes one level of exhaustion and grants advantage on Perception checks for 8 hours. This also applies to the Search for Herbs ability.
Bloodflush =CLEANSE= + 1x Alcohol Ingestible Bloodflush removes all diseases or poisons that affect the target. If ingested in combat the target gets to make three saving throws against a poisoned condition as free actions instead.
Berserker's Blood =INVIGORATE= + Dragonroot Ingestible Berserker’s Blood is a dark red potion that when consumed causes the drinker to enter a state of rage, enlarging their muscles and adding a slight red hue to the blood in their veins. While enraged you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the appropriate type when making melee weapon attacks. However, the berserk potion causes you to have disadvantage to Perception checks while under its effect. These effects last for up to 1 minute. If multiple doses of Berserker’s Blood are consumed in 1 hour, the consumer takes 3d10 + 3 poison damage, due to the overflow of toxin in their system.
Cream of Imperviousness =HARDENER= + =HEALING I= Applicable A cream that provides protection from physical damage, but does not come in large doses. The Cream of Imperviousness is a thick, white gel that can be rubbed on skin or items, granting it a glowing sheen. Affected areas become immune to slashing and piercing damage, as well as bludgeoning resistance for 2 hours. However, liquids can cause the cream to wash off, degrading to slashing and piercing resistance on first exposure, then wearing off completely. The Cream also only comes in fairly small portions, only enough to cover a palm-sized area on a creature’s body. The effect lasts for a maximum duration of eight hours. Although sweet in taste, eating the Cream of Imperviousness is not advised. If you do so, make a constitution saving throw (DC 16) to not be affected. On a fail you experience constipation for 3 days and cannot eat solid food or suffer the concequences.
Dancers Delight =INSPIRE= + 1x Alcohol + 1x Rose Petal Ingestible This is a shimmering, clear potion that smells of roses. Upon consumption, you become incredibly light-hearted and happy and have an extremely strong urge to shake your limbs and let loose. How that looks like is up to you. The effects of Dancers Delight last for up to 1 hour or until you take damage.
Demon’s Drug =INVIGORATE= + 1x vinegar + 1x Trollflower Ingestible This potion has a deep crimson color. If you stare into the liquid for long enough, the thick swirls seem to be moving towards you as if moving with malevolent intention. Upon consumption, you are filled with incredible power. Your strength score increases by 2 to a maximum of 20 for one hour. Also you have disadvantage on Charisma checks against you that involve provocation.
Eagle's Eyes =INSPIRE= + 1x Goblinberry Ingestible This potion allows the creature who drinks it to glance into the distance and see things as clearly as if the distance between the object and that creature was only half as far. Also, when shooting at long range you no longer shoot with disadvantage. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Elixir of Darkvision =INSPIRE= + =CHILL= Ingestible This elixir grants it the ability to see in the dark for 2 hours. For the duration, that creature has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. This potion can be used two times upon consumption.
Eyes of Arcana =INSPIRE= + =CLEANSE= Ingestible For 1 hour you can sense the presence of magic within 30ft. of you. A strange aura is emitted by magical sources, only visible to you.
Everfrost Ale =CHILL= + 1x Beer Ingestible, Applicable This light brown ale is always cold and once it loses its low temperature it also loses its effect. This might happen within 10 minutes in a place with room temperature. When drunk as an action, the user must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 cold damage. After drinking this potion, you must use an action within the next minute to exhale cold breath within a 15-foot cone in front of you. The target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the cold breath two times. If you do not exhale two times within this minute make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.

You may also pour this beer on the ground creating a slippery surface on one 5-ft. square. This square is now difficult terrain. A medium sized creature that is unaware of the ice surface and enters this field immediately falls prone and forgoes its remaining movement action. The ice remains for 10 minutes or can be molten by inducing heat.

Featherweight Tonic =SOFTENER= + =CALM= Ingestible This elixir reduces the weight of the creature that drinks it by half for one minute.
Fiendishly Friendly Face =INSPIRE= + wine Ingestible This potion gives you advantage on Charisma checks for 1d4 hours as long as these checks are not of an aggressive nature, such as Intimidation checks.
Ghillie’s Gills =INSPIRE= + =SOFTENER= + 1x Swampweed Ingestible This turquoise liquid smells of the sea. Upon consumption, you are able to hold you breath underwater for 5 minutes for the duration of an hour. You gain +2 on Athletic (Strength) checks when underwater. This potion can be used up to two times.
Liquid Lust =INSPIRE= + =CALM= + 1x Alcohol Ingestible This purple liquid smells of chocolate and wine but tastes like old blue cheese and moldy soil. If a creature consumes Liquid Lust, it immediately falls in love with the first living creature it sees. If the target does not see anybody for one minute (or cannot see at all) it will fall in love with the first creature they hear. This means the following: As well as trying to stay close at all times the target will do anything to please their object of desire, including self-harm to some degree. Their lover gains advantage on attack rolls against the charmed creature. If their lover attacks the target, the effects of the potion stop after the attack was made or after one hour has passed.
Sven Snotnose’s Powder =QUICKEN= + =INVIGORATE= + 1x Very Strange Mushroom + One drop of the Alchemist's blood Ingestible This white powder has extraordinary powers. Once consumed, you feel empowered, motivated and strong. You’re on top of the WORLD!!! Your speed is doubled, you gain +2 bonus to your AC and 2 additional actions each turn. These effects last one minute. However, there is a downside: If a character other than the Alchemist ingests Speedo's Powder, the Alchemist immediately gains one level of exhaustion. After the effect ends, the creature affected falls unconscious and remains so for 10 minutes. The creature can be woken up by another person or by taking damage. However, if you are woken up before the 10 minutes are over, you gain one level of exhaustion.
Tonic of Nourishment =HEALING I= + 1x fruit/berry Ingestible When a creature drinks this tonic, they are nourished sufficiently for the day. They do not need to eat again this day to sustain their body. Also, they get healed by 4 HP.
Acidic Smoke Bomb 2x =ACID I= Throwable Acidic Smoke can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact the bomb emits a greenish, sluggish plume of smoke in a 10 ft. radius that lingers for 30 Seconds. Every creature that starts its turn within this area must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw against your spell save DC or take acid damage equal to your Alchemist level. On success they take half damage. You may increase this damage by adding the ACID II essence up to five times. Each essence increases the damage by 1d6.
... with a hint of _____ 1x Crownstalk + 1x Goblinberry/ 1x Dragonroot/ 1x Ruler's Blade Special, Ingestible You may add these ingredients to any ingestible potion. Change the potions name to: 'Potions name' with a hint of Goblinberry/Dragonroot/Ruler's Blade. This potion now has enhanced effects: When using Goblinberry the potion increases Dexterity by 1 for one hour. When using Dragonroot the potion increases Strength by 1 for one hour. When using Ruler's Blade the potion grants Temporary Hit Points equal to 1d4 x your Alchemist's level for one hour. You may add this feature to any potion up to 4 times to increase it's effect. Then the potions name changes to: 'Potions name' with a strong/intense/basically not just a hint of Goblinberry/Dragonroot/Ruler's Blade. You may not mix different effects.

The Essence of Alchemy[edit]

The essences listed here need to be stored in the Alchemist's Pouch and or stashed away. They may not be carried in your backpack for they might crack. To produce them a DC check in Alchemy is required: DEX + INT + Proficiency Bonus if the Alchemist is proficient in Nature or Sleight of Hand or both. On a failure, depending on how far off the result is, some or all ingredients are lost and only some or no essences are produced.

Name, Option DC # of vials Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4 Ingredient 5
=HEALING I=, A 10 1 3x Livermoss 1x salt
=HEALING I=, B 10 1 2x Silverleaf 1x salt
=HEALING I=, C 15 2 1x Redroot
=HEALING II=, A 15 1 1x Redroot 1x Ironstalk
=HEALING II=, B 15 1 1x Redroot 1x Wolfherb
=HEALING II=, C 20 2 2x Ironstalk 1x Firenettle
=HEALING III=, A 20 1 2x Redroot 2x King's Thistle
=HEALING III=, B 20 1 2x Redroot 1x Harnessweed
=HEALING III=, C 25 4 3x Redroot 1x Goldleaf 1x salt
=INCINDIARY=, A 10 1 1x Rocknettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal
=INCINDIARY=, B 15 2 1x Firenettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal
=INCINDIARY=, C 25 5 2x Firenettle 1x Rocknettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal 1x sulfur
=ACID I=, A 10 1 1x Darkshroom 1x Everlime root 1x vinegar
=ACID I=, B 10 1 2x Bladefern 2x Wolfherb 1x vinegar
=ACID I=, C 20 4 1x Darkshroom 1x Devilshroom 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
=ACID II=, A 15 1 1x Snapperweed 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
=ACID II=, B 20 2 7x Everlime sap 1x Silverleaf 1x salt 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
=ACID II=, C 20 1 4x =ACID I= 1x sulfur
=SOFTENER=, A 10 1 3x Livermoss 1x Silverleaf 1x Scissorreed
=SOFTENER=, B 10 1 1x Swampweed 1x Lilac 1x Everlime sap
=SOFTENER=, C 15 2 1x Swampweed 1x Silverleaf 2x Harnessweed
=HARDENER=, A 10 1 2x Stoneroot 1x Ironstalk
=HARDENER=, B 20 2 2x King's Thistle 1x Silverleaf
=CLEANSE=, A 10 1 2x Toadroot 1x Ironstalk
=CLEANSE=, B 15 2 2x Toadroot 1x Bladefern
=CLEANSE=, C 15 2 3x Birch bark 2x Umbelfern 1x vinegar
=CLEANSE=, D 25 1 1x Toadroot
=CHILL=, A 15 1 1x Morningthaw 2x lilac flower 1x Livermoss
=CHILL=, B 15 2 1x Morningthaw 2x lilac flower 1x King's Thistle
=CALM=, A 10 1 1x Swampweed 4x Bladefern
=CALM=, B 15 1 1x Silverleaf 2x Umbelfern
=INVIGORATE=, A 15 2 1x Devilshroom 1x Everlime sap 1x Ironstalk
=INVIGORATE=, B 15 1 1x Firenettle 1x Everlime sap 1x Ironstalk
=QUICKEN=, A 15 1 1x Harnessweed 1x Silverleaf 1x vinegar
=QUICKEN=, B 15 1 1x King's Thistle 1x Wolfherb 1x vinegar
=INSPIRE=, A 10 1 1x Silverleaf 1x Toadroot 1x charcoal
=INSPIRE=, B 10 1 1x Silverleaf 1x Scissorreed 1x charcoal
=INSPIRE=, C 25 5 2x Silverleaf 1x Crownstalk 1x rocksalt
=POISON=, A 10 1 2x Toadroot 1x alcohol 1x salt
=POISON=, B 15 3 4x Bloodfly stinger 1x vinegar
=POISON=, C 15 3 3x Umblefern 2x Firenettle
=POISON=, D 15 3 2x Darkshroom 1x Devilshroom 1x vinegar
=POISON=, E 25 8 1x Demonmold 2x sulfur

Herbs of the Gothic world[edit]

This is a list of all the relevant ingredients that can be found in a Gothic world. All herbs need to be carried in your Alchemist's Pouch or they will spoil. Please note that the ingredients not marked as (common) or (rare) are not herbs and do not need to be carried in the limited space of the Alchemist's Pouch. As a DM, be forgiving with the Place of Occurrence as the adventurers travel the world.

Herb/Ingredient # on find Place of Occurrence Components
Scissorreed(common) 1 waterside
Livermoss(common) inf waterside
Darkshroom(common) 1 cave, forest
Devilshroom(common) 1 cave
Harnessweed(common) 2 swamp
Swampweed(common) 1 swamp
Birch tree(common) inf forest, waterside bark
Umbelfern(common) inf mountain
Silverleaf(common) 1 grasslands
Bladefern(common) inf mountain, forest
Lilac(common) inf grasslands flower
Ironstalk(common) 1 grasslands, forest
Rocknettle(common) 1 mountain, forest
Firenettle(common) 2 mountain
Stoneroot(common) 1 mountain
Toadroot(common) 3 waterside, swamp
King's Thistle(common) 2 mountain
Morningthaw(common) 1 forest, mountain
Wolfherb(common) 1 forest
Redroot(common) 3 grasslands, forest, mountain
Everlime tree(common) inf mountain root, sap, leaf
Everlime moss(common) inf mountain + Everlime tree
Crownstalk(rare) 5 mountain + waterside
Goblinberry(rare) 1 forest + waterside
Ruler's Blade(rare) 1 grasslands + waterside
Dragonroot(rare) 1 mountain + cave
Demonmold(rare) 1 cave + rotting corpse
Trollflower(rare) 1 mountain + Troll lair
Goldleaf(rare) 3 grasslands
Very Strange Mushroom(rare) 2 cave, forest
Snapperweed(rare) 1 mountain + Snapper den
Alcohol trader, brewer, tavern, selfmade Price: 1 SP
Bloodfly stinger trader, hunter, Bloodfly Price: 2 SP
Sulfur trader, mines Price: 8 CP
Nitre trader, mines, caves Price: 2 SP
Vinegar trader, brewery, doctor, selfmade Price: 5 CP
Charcoal trader, charcoal burner Price: 1 CP
Salt trader, farmer, mines Price: 5 SP
Irondust trader, mines, smith, selfmade Price: 2 CP

Herbalism Table[edit]

When an Alchemist searches for herbs, they declare which herbs (max 3 kinds) being looked for. The number of finds depend on the achieved Herbalism Score. The Alchemist chooses which of the declared herbs are found. Choosing a rare herb counts as 2 finds. Finding one herb multiple times is allowed. Be aware that on one find of Toadroot for example the Alchemist receives 3 instances of this herb.

Difficulty Class: 5 10 15 20 25 30
# of finds for 1 min 0 0 0 0 1 1
# of finds for 3 min 0 0 0 1 1 1
# of finds for 5 min 0 1 1 1 2 2
# of finds for 10 min 1 2 3 3 4 5
# of finds for 30 min 3 7 10 12 15 18
# of finds for 60 min 7 16 22 26 32 40


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Alchemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13

Proficencies. When you multiclass into the Alchemist class, you gain the following proficencies: Alchemy Supplies

(For purposes of Multiclassing, spell slots used for elixirs are considered separate from other spell slots gained from other classes.)

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