Wilting Spider (5e Background)

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Wilting Spider[edit]

Skill Proficiencies: You are proficient in the nature and medicine skills.

Tool Proficiencies: You are proficient with the explorer's pack and herbalism kit.

Equipment: Herbalism kit, 3 rolls of bandage, 10 empty vials, 8 small pouches, 5 torches, 10 syringes, 5 cups, and 2 lesser-healing potions.

Feature: Darkened Past[edit]

A very long time ago your home was forcibly taken from you, causing a war that has never ended. Many creatures despise you and think of you as a monster, even though you have done nothing. Many towns do not lend you passage and some may attack.

Alternate Feature: Fallen[edit]

Your dark past and many losses within your family and friends have made you feel lost and out of hope. However, nothing lasts forever.

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