Spartan II (5e Subclass)

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<Spartan II>[edit]

From the video game Halo, Spartans are the best soldiers ever raised in the history of mankind. The strongest and brightest boys and girls raised from a young age to become the perfect soldier. By choosing this sub-class you become like unto these soldiers, gaining access to their weapons and armor. As this is a soldier from a video game there will be video game like aspects.

Note: [You'll be able to find the items exclusive to this subclass on the bottom of the page under "Misriah Armory" section, and every item exclusive to this class is considered a magic item and must be attuned to.]

Spartan Loadout

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you the starting gear consisting of the Mk.4 Mjolnir armor and the M6D Magnum.

Game System

At level 3, you gain access to a game like system screen. This screen shows many things including your inventory, what you have equipped, your health, stats; and most importantly Misriah's Armory or the Store.

This store gives you access to the weapons and arms you'll need to prosper as a Spartan; as many of these items do not exist with-in your world. To purchase these items, you simply insert the world's currency into the system screen. The currency after being put into the system cannot be taken back out and is impossible to be stolen. You are considered proficient in all items purchased through the store, and you may only have a maximum of 1 of each item with the exception of ammunition.


At level 3 you gain access to a separate space containing your inventory. This inventory has 10 free spaces. You may place any 1 thing within a space regardless of its size and mass. (For example, in 1 of the spaces you can fit only 1 clip/magazine. Or you may in it’s place, put an entire Warthog in this 1 space instead. You may only place items from this subclass with it. Put things and taking them out uses an item integration to do so.

Energy Shield

By 7th level, your Mjolnir armor gains an upgrade. Originally Mjolnir armor didn’t come with an energy shield until a while into the war with the Covenant. With this shield, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level. This shield is an older model and is recharged every short or long rest. At level 14 you may add your proficiency bonus to the temporary hit points.

Armor Augmentations

At 10th level, you are able add mods to your armor furthering the utility and strength it gives you.

Uncanny Luck

Starting at 15th level,


Starting at 18th level,

Misriah Armory[edit]


(Lv.3) - Mjolnir Mk. Mjolnir Mk.4 18 AC 18 Strength Disadvantage on stealth 1000 lb. - 1000 gp

While wearing this armor you are given a number of effects. Your strength and dexterity are increased by 1. While your shield is active you are given +1 to AC and resistance to non-magical damage.

The armor was built to give every advantage possible to soldiers that often fought impossible odds. While wearing this armor you are resistant to poison, your armor provides you air, gain darkvision up to your normal sight, and automatically gives you proficiency to athletics and acrobatics. You are given expertise in these skills if you are already proficient. However, due to the weight of your armor; you have difficulty in a number of situations and up to the DM’s discretion.

Note: You may only equip and unequip this armor via storing it into your inventory as it’s impossible to take off through normal means with exception to the helmet.

Armor Mods

Armor Lock


(Lv.3) - Pistol, M6D 250gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 150/300), reload (12 shots), light - 12 shot magazine - 12gp

(Lv.4) - Assault Rifle, MA37 500gp 2d6 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 30/60), burst fire, reload (32 shots), two-handed - 32 shot magazine - 36gp

(Lv.5) - Battle Rifle, BR55 600gp 2d4 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 100/200), reload (36 shots), two-handed - 36 shot magazine - 36gp

(Lv.6) - DMR, M392 700gp 1d12 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 200/400), reload (15 shots), two-handed - 15 shot magazine - 15gp

(Lv.7) - Sniper, S7 1000gp 2d12 piercing 12 lb. Ammunition (range 400/800), reload (4 shots), two-handed - 4 shot magazine - 100gp

(Lv.7) - Shotgun, DTM 800gp 4d4 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 15/30), burst fire, reload (12 shots), two-handed - 12 Shells - 120gp

(Lv.10) - Rocket Launcher, DTM 1200gp (Fire Ball Spell, 10 sqft) 8 lb. Ammunition (range 50/100), reload (2 shots), two-handed

- 2 rockets - 200gp
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