Mortal God (5e Class)

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Work In Progress

Mortal God[edit]

A mortal who was once a god but had their powers stripped from them. Though their power is returning to them as time goes on.

Creating a Mortal God[edit]

Why are your powers returning? What kind of powers did you have before? What happened for you to lose your powers?

Quick Build

You can make a Mortal God quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score. Make Charisma your next-highest is you plan to take up the ___ subclass. Choose Constitution instead if you plan on being more of an upfront fighter or plan to the ___ subclass. Second, choose between the Noble, Soldier, Folk Hero, Outlander, or Far Traveler backgrounds.

Class Features[edit]

As a Mortal God, you gain the following features.

Hit Points[edit]

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Mortal God level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 + Constitution modifier per Mortal God level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor

Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons

Tools: Choose one tool or musical instrument

Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

Skills: Acrobatics or Athletics and choose two from Insight, Investigation, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

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