Gravity Rail (3.5e Feat)

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Gravity Rail [combat]

With a massive amount of concentration of gravity You may launch a single object from your hand at incredible speed.
Prerequisite: Gravity warrior base class features, str20, base attack bonus +15
Benefit: This ability affects a single object from your hand, but the item must be able to be held in the hand for this to work, no large boulders of buildings you must be able to grasp the item, you must be able to see the enemy for you to target such. For all intense and purposes this feat makes the selected item weightless so that it may fly to its intended target all mass of the object is returned. When it has struck and object Damage for this ability will come from your Bab + str modifier and the amount of fall damage this item would have received if it would have fallen vertically. Because this ability requires all concentration it is a full round action to use.
Special: If affected by haste of any kind you may fire again only if you posses the quickdraw feat to load you hand again.

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