Deity (5e Background)

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You have spent most of your life as an deity, surrounded by creatures straight out of legend; other deities, couatls, unicorns, and angels great and small. Maybe your were born a deity or you were made a deity by something else whatever the case you have decided to go to the material plane for some reason.

Skill Proficiencies: Religion and one of the following: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion.

Tool Proficiencies: Choose a tool

Languages: Choose one exotic language and one normal language.

Equipment: A holy symbol representing yourself, a trinket from one of your followers, a religious costume, and a pouch containing 20 gp.

Divine Domain[edit]

Your followers attribute a divine domain to you. The domain that you control could depend on your actions, appearance, or some quality of yourself. Roll randomly on this table or choose a domain on the table.

d10 Specialization
1 War
2 Nature
3 Sound
4 Decay
5 Knowledge
6 Sun
7 Sky
8 Arcane
9 Space
10 Life

Feature: Divine Nature[edit]

Because you are of divinity you would easily be able to communicate with religious groups and religious cults. You are will must likely be worshiped by a cult or religion who either love or fear you. They will often follow your divine orders without question, though be careful not to ask too much, or you may lose followers.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 Helping those around me, especially those in need, is something that gives my life purpose.
2 I expect others to refer to me as 'the prophesied one', 'your grace' or similar.
3 For better or worse, I see myself as separate from mortals.
4 The people of this plane often use idioms, metaphors and jokes that I do not understand.
5 I give things I don't need to my worshippers as 'relics'.
6 I often fail to read social clues and will ask inappropriate questions.
7 I'm quick to let people know who I am.
8 My time in the upper planes has made me consider my opinion to be far more important than my mortal peers.
d6 Ideal
1 Responsibility. There are a lot of people who believe in me. I mustn't let them down. (Lawful)
2 Power. I can do whatever I want, because who's going to argue with one of this worlds deity? (Evil)
3 Balance. I must bring harmony to the mortal plane and help its people understand their place in the cosmos. (Neutral)
4 Conquest. The larger my worshippers grows, the more powerful I become. Therefore, I must convert as many as possible. (Chaotic)
5 Love. I want nothing more out of life than the affection of someone close to me. (Any)
6 Humanitarianism. I should use my position to improve the lives of others. (Good)
d6 Bond
1 I care deeply for my followers, and I'm adventuring so I can return to them a hero worth worshipping.
2 My family is extremely important. Through my actions, I must bring them honor.
3 I seek to find a way to become a greater deity
4 I have been dishonored and I must prove that I am a true deity.
5 Life is a journey I control with my power.
6 I am deeply in love with a mortal. It is my honor and my duty to see them safe.
d6 Flaw
1 I believe because I am a deity I can do no wrong.
2 I will put myself in harm's way to save people, even total strangers.
3 I have a deep attraction and curiosity to demons and darker powers. I mean, who wouldn't want to taste the forbidden fruit?
4 I secretly find all things that are not divine in nature to be repulsive.
5 I constantly seek the approval of my divine peers and hold their opinions above all others.
6 I love getting into dangerous and life-threatening situations, it just gets my blood flowing. After all, what's life without a little danger?
(one vote)

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