College of the Warsinger (5e Subclass)

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<College of the Warsinger>[edit]

<Bard> Subclass

The college of the warsinger is not actually a real college. Warsinger bards are servants of Tempus. They are trained by and part of the "order of the steelfang" that currently 1492 DR resides deep down beneath the temple of Tempus in waterdeep. There are currently only 3 Warsingers, from which one is in charge of training new Warsingers. Warsingers are trained to bring the blessings of Tempus to the battlefield, as well as bringing the stories of the battlefield into Taverns and markets to spread the word of honor and heroism.

As part of the order of the steelfang however they also undertake secret missions to influence landlords, kings and Emperors to choose the honorable battlefield as means to end a dispute. Or they delve deep in ancient ruins to find stories about ancient battles and the artifacts to proof it.

So basically they are part bard, part warrior, part diplomat and part adventurer. Being a chosen by the god of war might make them a bit overpowered. So always ask your DM if you can play this class. Or sit down and adapt it to fit your DM's campaign.

I tried to add the flavor from my most loved MMORPG character, my Everquest bard. he was always weaving his songs (some instrumental to buff the party and debuff the enemies trough music) Thats how a true bard should be in my opinion. music and some flashy swordplay.

Pledge of the soul

LVL3 You are blessed with the power of your deity and you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. The deity needs to be of Neutral allignment.

The influence of your deity also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest.

You get access to Warlock spells and cast them as if they where bard spells. You can learn 2 extra warlock cantrips. Each time you aquire a new spell level you learn an extra Warlock spell. You get access to 2 warlock invocations and gain an extra one at level 7, 11, 15, 19. You get access to the hexblade expanded spell list

  • 1st Shield, Wrathful smite
  • 2nd Blur, Branding smite
  • 3rd Blink, Elemental weapon
  • 4th Phantasmal killer, staggering smite
  • 5th Banishing smite, cone of cold

Hymns of battle

LVL3 While continuously singing on the battlefield you weave your battle songs. the battle song affects up to (proficiency Bonus + 1/2 CHA modifier rounded down) friendly and or hostile creatures. When sung for one turn the effect lasts for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus (unless the spell indicates its shorter) and they do not require further Concentration.

Singing/chanting these hymns is so much part of your being that they come as a free action. You can weave spells with verbal components into the songs making them part of the enthralling rhythm and melody. The spell level of the song is equal to the bards level divided by 4 rounded up with the exception of higher level spells, they are cast at their initial level.

You know a number of songs equal to ( your level divided by 3 + CHA modifier). You can replace one of your known songs every even level.

  • Hymn of Mockery casts vicious mockery, if the saving throw is not succeeded hostile creatures are forced to attack you instead of other party members
  • Hymn of Curses, casts hexblade curse.
  • Hymn of blessings, casts Bless
  • Hymn of hexes, casts hex
  • Hymn of faerie fire, casts faerie fire
  • Hymn of command, casts command
  • Hymn of fear, casts fear
  • Hymn of protection, casts protection from evil or good
  • Hymn of agathys, casts agathys armor
  • Hymn of healing, you heal a wounded friendly targets for a number of hitpoints equal to (your CHA bonus + 1/2 your level) modifier. Does not heal friendly targets above half their max hitpoints.
  • Hymn of blindness (level 6) casts blindness
  • Hymn of Aid (level 6) casts aid
  • Hymn of madness (level 6) casts crown of madness
  • Hymn of the bright mind (level 9) casts intellect fortress
  • Hymn of hypnosis (level 9) casts Hypnotic pattern
  • Hymn of sword and shield (level 9) raises AC by 3 and adds CHA modifier to any damage done.
  • Hymn of freedom (level 12) casts freedom of movement
  • Hymn of charming (level 12) casts charm monster
  • Hymn of domination (level 15) casts dominate person
  • Hymn of holding (level 15) casts hold monster
  • Hymn of truesight (level 18) casts true seeing (once per long rest)
  • Hymn of investiture (level 18) you can cast one of the 4 investiture spells. your choices (flame, ice, stone, wind)(once per long rest for each)
  • Hymn of polymorph (level 20) casts true polymorph (once per long rest)

Warrior stances

LVL6 while in battle you use stances. You have always access to these stances and you can change them at will.

  • Defensive stance

adds +2 to AC and allows you a bonus action with which you can deflect a melee attack against a creature within 5 foot of you. This requires a CHA saving throw against the attack roll.

  • fleeing wind stance

gives you an extra attack and allows you to add 1d8 of thunder damage to your attack. for every 6 levels add an extra die.

  • Stance of the dominator

when ever you make a melee attack you can choose to add a control spell to it from this small list (fear, stun, flee, bane,mirror image, shatter) the effect is determined at random.

  • Stance of the sorcerer

When you are in combat you can cast a free cantrip after you made a weapon attack, this does not count as a bonus action but is part of the action. When you cast a spell you can cast a cantrip as a bonus action.

  • Stance of the voice.

Your battle hymns affect one creature more and last one round longer. You can also choose to use the hymns to cast a dissonant whisper instead of a lasting buff or debuff.

  • Stance of the vampire.

You heal for half the damage you do.

Fresh inspirations

LVL10 You can use your bardic inspiration for new effects.

  • Battle dominance

use the inspiration to cast : fear, stun, flee, bane,mirror image, shatter, on a number of targets equal to Your inspiration die roll (this can be used once per long rest)

  • Battle healing

use the inspiration to heal a friendly target for (inspiration die +CHA modifier)

Inspirited knight

LVL14 You can gain a number of followers equal to your CHA modifier they serve you as squires and when treated good they follow your commands blindly. They see you as a knight more then as a bard. The followers are created using the sidekick system as presented in Tasha's cauldron of everything. You can only take a single (2 at level 16) squire with you on a trip, the rest stays at your home. If you don't have a home or castle, or a place to live like "leomunds tiny hut" you are limited to the number of squires you can take on the trip with you. Your DM can allow you to have sidekicks earlier then level 14 these do not count against the total number.


You become proficient with the war-horn and you can use it to affect every creature in a circle of 200 foot around you with your songs. however, the songs you play only last 1 turn. You can not use the war-horn to play songs that have a limitation to the number of times you can play it a day.

(one vote)

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