Cecilia, The Cursed Sash (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement By A Monk)

This is an "Evolving Item". At certain points throughout gameplay, when your character accomplishes a great feat, you reach a certain level, or something else fitting, your DM can increase the item's properties 1 stage. Alternatively, you can begin with stage 1 and gain the increases at these levels; 3rd (2), 8th (3), 13th (4), and 17th (5). Remember this if you give it to your players.

Stage 1

Your martial arts die increases by 1 step. (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, etc.) You may also use an action to allow the sash to fully cover your arms and shoulders, entering a meshed form called "Cecilia's Embrace", granting you +1 to your attack and damage rolls with your monk weapons for 1 minute. If you use this ability, you cannot use it until the next dawn.

Stage 2

Your ki save DC increases by 1. Cecilia's Embrace now covers most of your torso and back, as well as your full arms, and your speed increases by 10 feet when you use it.

Stage 3

Your AC increases by 1, as long as you are wearing no armor and wielding no shield. Cecilia's Embrace fully covers your torso, back, arms, and legs. When you use Cecilia's Embrace, your bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2. When a minute has passed in Cecilia's Embrace, you regain a number of ki points equal to your wisdom modifier, but you take necrotic damage equal to 1 roll of your martial arts die. This damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way.

Stage 4

Your ki save DC and unarmored AC both increase by 1. When you use Cecilia's Embrace, it covers you almost completely, except for your eyes. Your speed also increases by another 10 feet while in Cecilia's Embrace, for a total of 20 feet.

Stage 5

Your ki save DC increases by 1. While in Cecilia's grasp, which now covers your entire body and provides 30 feet of blindsight, your bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3 and your speed gain increases to +30 feet. Additionally, when Cecilia's Embrace would end, you may make a DC 15 constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you may stay in Cecelia's Embrace for 1 more minute, making this save at the end of that minute. You can spend ki points, (including the ones gained at the end of the minute) to add 1 to your result for every ki point you spend. You still take the necrotic damage every minute you are in Cecelia's Embrace.

Finished Total

For scaling and power-gauging purposes, these are the Stage 5 totals for everything gained from this item. (Assuming level 17)

Static Bonuses
  • +2 Unarmored AC.
  • +3 Ki save DC.
  • Martial arts die increased 1 step (1d12)
Cecilia's Embrace Bonuses
  • +3 Attack and damage rolls with monk weapons
  • +30 movement speed
  • 30 feet of blindsight
  • Possible Longer Duration, at the cost of unavoidable damage (1d12 per minute), as well as the possible cost of ki points.

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