Brødrene Dal's Backpack of infinite storage (5e Equipment)

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April Fools!
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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Lacks clarity. You can store anything? Like enemies, with an action, no save required? What this curse is meant to represent, how it even works, what it do? Destroying the artifact section should clearly state what needs to be done to destroy the artifact, not be ambigious and some form of a inside joke. Missing sentience languages, and abilities/senses.

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Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

This is a green backpack with the words Reise-sekken(Travel-pack) written on the front in white letters. The backpack also contains an entire world and can be used to store objects as well as creatures inside of there.

The backpack is found during a random encounter with 3 humans, one of them is carrying the backpack. If you get within 30ft of them, time for them and whoever got within 30ft freezes as you can hear the voice of the narrator asking what will happen next episode of Brødrende dal og legenden om Dungeons and Dragons. Everyone frozen by this will stay so for 7 days unless you cast the wish spell to undo it. You can move creatures and objects frozen by this effect.

Infinite storage. Whenever you open the backpack you can as an action either store an object or creature inside of it, or you can think of an object or creature that is inside of the backpack and then pull it out of it. Once per dawn you can as an action reach into the backpack and think of an object that isn’t inside of it and then roll a d100, and if you roll a 100 the object is inside of the backpack and you pull it out, if you roll anything else nothing happens. If you store a creature inside of the backpack there is enough air to sustain it, but anything else needed to sustain it would need to be inside the backpack as well. Any object or creature that the DM deems can fit through the opening of a backpack can be stored inside of this artifact. If you are going to store a creature inside of the backpack the creature has to be willing or it won't work.

Curse. As soon as you attune to the backpack an entity known as Fortelleren/The Narrator starts following you, this entity can freeze time both for the world and for individual creatures and objects, and it can read minds. This entity wants to narrate your story claiming that it is his job. This curse can’t be removed by any means other then destroying the backpack. This entity looks like a human in fine clothes and is holding a rod. He will whenever the party has gotten itself into a difficult situation freeze them in time for 7 days so that he can make his narration unless you make a DC 20 Charisma(Persuasion) check to convince him that you have it under control.
Random Properties. The Brødrene Dal's Backpack of Infinite Storage has the following random properties:

  • 2 minor beneficial properties

Sentience. The Narrator is a true neutral creature.
Personality. He wants nothing more than to narrate the story of whomever has the backpack, but he wont do anything that helps the party because he claims that he has to be impartial.
Destroying the Brødrene Dal's Backpack of Infinite Storage. The backpack can only be destroyed by successfully killing The Narrator getting your show canceled and pulled from Nrk. In order to kill The Narrator you have to tie him to a chair with hempen rope and then break his rod in front of him with a successful DC 25 Strength(Athletics) check. This will result in both him and the backpack ceasing to exist in the world of the setting. When the Narrator is bound in this way he becomes powerless expect that he can't suffer injuries or be killed in anyway except the above mentioned method.

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