Allomancer (5e Subclass)

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Sorcerer Subclass

You are a person who knows how to use metals to catalyze magic by ingesting them, but be aware, most of them could kill you. You can only use a tiny percentage of all the metals in the periodic table and if you ingest a metal that can not be burned, you could get ill or even die. As an allomancer you could ingest dust of metals, burn them inside your stomach and gain powers as a result. Depending on the metal you burn you can achieve different goals. Normally you will use vials especially prepared for allomancers with alcohol or water and some metal dust, however if you see yourself in need of power but don't have any vial nearby, its probable that you as an allomancer can become creative by searching some alternative source of metal to ingest. This option comes with some risk because it is necessary a pure source of metal if you don't want to get ill. Finally, it is necessary to say that if an allomancer goes to sleep for a long time (for example at night) without burning the metal he has ingested, they will be treated as what they are, metal, and could not only harm the allomancer's body from the inside but also make the carrier sick.

There are two main ways to become an allomancer:

Bloodline. Allomancy powers are heritable, so if you have an allomancer in one of your previous five generations you could born with this latent power hidden inside you. Is hidden because you can't be an allomancer only by being born with it, first you need to pass the process of snapping. Snapping commonly occurs when an Allomancer undergoes heavy stress and pain, often in a near-death situation, causing them to trigger latent Allomantic abilities.

Inquisitor. If an evil enough person is able to kill an allomancer with a spike of the appropriate metal, he can transfer one allomantic power per spike to another person by driving it into a person's body. In order to create a complete allomancer, or in other words, a Mistborn, it is necessary to insert the spikes in specific points of the body, including the eyes, and make a metal spine with one spike to seal the soul inside the body. These artificial creatures are called inquisitors. An inquisitor cannot see as any other person would do because he has no eyes, instead, he has two spikes inserted in their eye sockets, inquisitors see the world of magic, they draw their world around them by detecting sources of metal inside, for example, objects or walls, and they see the people by detecting the iron inside their veins or the zinc on their brain as well as all the metal we are made of. As you can imagine inquisitors can not distinguish colors all what they see are magical blue lines. Inquisitors could be considered undead creatures so if you want to kill them by making tiny cuts you would find that is gonna be hard because they don't bleed. The only way to kill an inquisitor is to separate the spikes from their head from the rest of the body, the easiest way to do this is by pulling out the spike between their scapulas, which is their metal spine.

Physical Metals[edit]

When you pick this origin at 1st level you know 4 metals you can ingest as powder in order to gain certain advantages. Depending of the metal you burn, you get one of the following benefits:

Steel. As an action, You can push metallic objects that are lighter than you, in combination, up to a distance of 60ft. If you try to push any metal heavier than you, you are instead repelled. If you are been repelled upwards, you can reach up to 60ft of height. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of steel powder.

Iron. As an action, You can pull metallic objects that are lighter than you, in combination, up to a distance of 120ft. If you try to pull any metal heavier than you, you are instead attract towards it. You can achive this effect burning one vial of iron powder.

Pewter. As a bonus action, your muscles get reinforced. You add a +1 to your AC and you are now able to use your action to push things with ease up to 10ft, which weight isn't three times greater than yours. A vial of pewter powder lasts for 1 minute.

Tin. Your senses are enhanced. You receive +30ft of darkvision, +30ft of echolocation and receive more stimuli from the other senses. Your eyes get so sensitive that if you look directly towards bright light you get temporarily blinded. A vial of tin powder lasts for 12 minute.

You can enhance the effects of the metals if you burn double the amount of it in the same amount of time. This rule only applies once.

Mental and Temporal Metals[edit]

At 6th level you learn the effects of 6 other metals. The effects of these metals when you burn them are the following:

Zinc. As an action, you get to know what a creature in a 30ft radius is feeling at the moment and are able to enflame a emotion of the target. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of zinc powder.

Brass. As an action, you are able to damp a emotion of every creature in a 30ft radius that they are feeling at the moment. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of brass powder.

Copper. You can prevent magic detection in an area of 15ft centered around you. A vial of copper powder lasts for 5 minute.

Bronze. As an action, You sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to sense the direction in which the source comes from and to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. This can penetrate most barriers, except of a copper bubble of greater intensity and a thin layer of aluminum. A vial of bronze powder lasts for 10 minute.

Cadmium. As an action, you can slow down time in an area of 5ft centered around you. Any creature that starts its turn inside that area gets its speed halved and they receive a -2 to AC for one round. Any ranged attack that enters the area has disadvantage on the attack roll. A vial of cadmium powder lasts for 30 seconds.

Bendalloy. As an action, you can speeds up time in an area of 5ft centered around you. Any creature that starts its turn inside that area gets its speed doubled, gains a +2 bonus to AC, has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. A vial of bendalloy powder lasts for 6 seconds.

You can enhance the effects of the metals if you burn double the amount of it in the same amount of time. This rule only applies once.

Enhancement Metals[edit]

At 14th level you learn the effects of 6 other metals. The effects of these metals are the following:

Gold. You can see who you were in the past. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of gold powder.

Electrum. As a bonus action, as you burn the electrum, you get to see a probable future that is about to happen. Thus, you can prepare your very next action. You add 1d12 to the roll you make in this turn's action.

Aluminum. As an action, you get to eliminate every metal that you have ingested including the aluminum itself. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of aluminum powder.

Duralumin. You get to enhance the effects of another metal that you ingest along with it. All metal that you have ingested before burning the duralumin is burned instantly, but their effects are quadrupled. You can achive this effect burning one vial of duralumin powder.

Nicrosil. You get to enhance the effects of the metals that other creature has ingested. All metal that the create have ingested before you burn the nicrosil is burned instantly, but their effects are quadrupled. You can achive this effect burning one vial of nicrosil powder.

Chromium. As a reaction, you attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of using magic. If the creature is casting a spell of 4th level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 5th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect. You can achieve this effect burning one vial of chromium powder.

You can enhance the effects of the metals if you burn double the amount of it in the same amount of time. This rule only applies once.

Allomantic Savant[edit]

At 18th level you've used metals for a long time, thus, you could say you are proficient with some metals you've used. You can choose any two metals from the Physical, Mental or Temporal, and Enchancement tables that you know how to use and double their effect from now on.

God Metals[edit]

Also at 18th level you learn the effects of the 3 God Metals. You may only use one of the following once per long rest. The effects of these metals are the following:

Lerasium. You may cast the True Resurrection spell.

Atium. You may cast the Foresight spell on yourself.

Malatium. You may cast the Time Ravage spell.

(one vote)

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