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Pathfinder Reference Document
Pathfinder Reference Document

Vocal Alteration

School transmutation; Level alchemist 1, bard 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one humanoid creature

Duration 1 minute/level

Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes

You alter the target's voice to something else. For example, you could make the target's voice high-pitched, husky, or nasal, or change its accent to an accent you are familiar with. If this spell is used as part of a disguise, the target gets a +10 bonus on the Disguise check when trying to fool a listener.

The target can vary the disguised voice just as it could its normal voice. For example, a halfling female given a male dwarf noble's voice and accent could speak in falsetto, with a rural halfling accent, and so on.