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Fey in Legacy of Darkness[edit]

While never truly prevalent before the Shattering, the fey courts were scattered like the wind when the world separated, finding dozens of new domains to control. While the Seelie and Unseelie both still existed, they suffered immensely from the isolation of their members, a fact that slowly caused them to decline in numbers.

When the courts finally developed methods for transportation between the shards, each tried their best to recruit as many fey as possible, even if the recruit had been from the opposing court. This tactic, while causing the ranks of the Unseelie court to swell, severely weakened the Seelie court, who found themselves beset by internal treachery. In a few short decades, the Seelie court was completely absorbed into the Unseelie, who turned their attention to rebuilding their court.

The Unseelie court prospered for decades after absorbing it's sister court, using their great influence to attract scores (perhaps even hundreds) of new members, nearly doubling the court in size. However, they also attracted the attention of the more "bestial" races.

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