Titans (5e Creature)

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Truly rare are the mighty titans, giants born with immense power, and gifted with incredible strength and size, even among the already herculean giants. A fully grown titan stands at least 20 feet taller than the average for its kind, though some tell stories of titans as big as mountains. A titan looks physically very similar to its giant counterparts, though some aspect always betrays its nature; for example, the skin of a fire titan glows like heated metal, while its eyes resemble spheres of lava.

Elemental Overlords. Like all other creatures of legend, the true origin of titan remains unknown. According to the true giants, it was titans who created smaller replicas of themselves which later became the giants thousands years ago to help them do their duty. Although the fall of ancient giant kingdoms result to the reduction of titans, they are still living avatar to their element. However, whether such creatures used to be powerful enough to create life forms themselves is questionable, especially to various clergies who say that titans were born of certain gods to bring order to the giants who are born to be chaotic or destructive.
It's impossible to kill a titan once and for all. If being murdered with violence, they always come back to life each morning at somewhere that humans cannot find them. Some arcane scholars say that it is because the body of a titan is not born from flesh but originated from nature itself, literally spawning into existence when large amounts of spiritual, elemental, and natural energies accumulate in an area. The influence of a titan can also cause plants to grow, change the weather or inflict other regional effects.

Colossal Recluses. Titans are solitary by nature, seldom leaving a favoured lair. A fire titan might claim the caldera of a massive volcano as a home, while a cloud titan's flying castle appears as a tiny speck to all ground-based viewers. However, as a titan is literally the living form of nature's essence, its presence usually beckons dozens of elemantal beings from giants to other mystical beings like fairies to live nearby. As such, a storm titan's undersea palace might be close to a number of storm giant dwellings, while frost giants might live on a mountain near a frost titan's mighty glacier fortress.

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