Soul Explosion (5e Spell)

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Soul explosion
3rd-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S (3 souls of any kind required)
Duration: Instant

The cultivator concentrates soul energy into one point they can see. This spell affects a 20 ft radius sphere but the effects are based on the spell used to cast it.

  • Happiness : Everyone within the sphere gains 2d6 hit points, the hitpoints increase with 1d6 each additional soul added
  • Greed: Choose a damage type between acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder; all creatures within the sphere gain resistance to the chosen damage type for 1 minute
  • Follower: Every creature in the sphere must make a Wisdom saving throw, or be affected by the confusion spell.
  • Demonic: Each creature takes 6d6 necrotic damage and must make a Constitution saving throw, taking half damage on a successful save. Any undead creatures within the sphere are healed instead, the damage increases by 1d6 with each additional soul added after the first three.
  • Antique: All the creatures within the sphere can choose to use their reaction to add +3 to their AC against one attack within a minute, the bonus to AC can be increased by one for each three souls that are added when casting this spell.
  • Esoteric: Roll 1d4 and consult the list below for the damage dealt. The spell deals 3d8 damage of the rolled type to each creature.





|} Adding more souls: In addition to the other effects, the size of the sphere of this spell increases by 5 ft. for each 3 additional souls added.

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