OGC:Ranged Attack Feats

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Ranged Attack Feats: Feats that work with ranged attacks to give them more oomph.

D&D 3e Feats

Feat Prerequisites Summary

D&D 3.5e Feats

Feat Prerequisites Summary
Greater Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Dexterity 17, Intelligence 15, Weapon Specialization, Maiming Strike, Improved Maiming Strike, Fighter level 16th You are greatly adept at damaging ability scores.
Improved Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Dexterity 15, Intelligence 13, Weapon Specialization, Maiming Strike, Fighter level 12th Your ability to damage ability scores improves.
Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, Weapon Specialization, Fighter level 8th You damage ability scores directly.
Superior Maiming Strike (3.5e Feat) Dexterity 19, Intelligence 15, Weapon Specialization, Maiming Strike, Improved Maiming Strike, Greater Maiming Strike, Fighter level 20th You can permanently damage ability scores.

D&D 5e Feats

Feat Prerequisites Summary
Alchemical Artillerist (5e Feat) You have specialized in the numerous dangerous chemicals at the alchemist’s fingertips.
Greased Lightning (5e Feat) You are exceptionally fast with multi-shot firearms.
Mounted Musketeer (5e Feat) You are a fearsome combatant on horseback.

d20M Feats

Feat Prerequisites Summary

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