Feathered Spear (5e Equipment)

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Feathered Spear

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Feathered Spear 45 gp (or 450 rp) 1d6 piercing 1/2 lbs. Reach, Finesse, Special

An absolute staple for the rito village guard, this incredibly light spear is considered a hallmark of rito weapon design, easily wielded by any rito warrior in flight.

Aerial Spear Combat. Because of the odd procedures rito must follow to make this weapon and the materials used to make it, the feathered spear differs in functionality when compared to a regular spear.

Rito Craftsmanship. If you are a rito, attacks made with this weapon gain a +1 bonus to their attack rolls.

(one vote)

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